Categories: Psychology

Education of Gifted Children

How educational arrangement should be made for gifted children?

There are 3 opinions regarding this – by the arrangement of special schools, by the arrangement of special classes and by the special arrangement with normal children. Here we shall discuss the form of these three methods and their merits and demerits.

By Arrangement of Special Schools

Some scholars opine that the abilities and needs of gifted children are very different from average children, so they are neither able to receive education with them properly, nor are able to adjust with them properly. So special schools should be set up for them. These schools should have special curriculum for them and should be equipped with special resources. This type of opinion prevails in America especially and some such schools are already running there for gifted children. In our country, there are many schools in which only gifted children are admitted by selection; such as navodaya schools and publics schools. However, it should be noted that these schools also admit average students along with gifted children, and secondly, no special arrangement is made for the teaching and training of these gifted children in them. The navodaya schools have the policy of reservation in the name of region and caste, consequently, average and below average students are also selected in them.

Setting up of special schools for gifted children is opposed by some Indian scholars. They argue that this is contrary to the spirit of democracy and socialism. Secondly, they argue that it is creating two classes in the country. Thirdly, they say that the additional expenditure being invested in this is ultimately borne by the common citizens; and finally, this system is not suitable for a poor country like India.

In this context we command our opinion that this system is not contrary to democracy, rather it is favorable to it. Democracy says that everybody should get equal opportunities for his development according to his ability and capability. Regarding the remaining arguments, we have to submit that the development of a country depends on its talents, when a country develops, the standard of life of everybody rises. So the central government should give up the politics of vote and adopt the policy of nurturing talent.

By Arrangement of Special Classes

Some scholars opine that the education of gifted children can be conducted in general schools by arranging special classes for them. They argue that the number of gifted children in a country is about 10% of its population and the number of very gifted children is limited to about 5%. In place of setting up separate schools for them, special class sections can be created for them for providing them suitable environment for their education. Only care will have to be exercised that their section should comprise of only 15 – 20 children, the teachers for them should have special ability, the schools should be equipped with necessary laboratories, workshops, libraries, reading rooms and other teaching aids. They further argue that when all children in the class are gifted, they have healthy competition and they try to supersede one another.

Some scholars oppose this plan too. They argue that the number of gifted children in a school is very less, so it would be very expensive to set up separate classes for them, at least in India. Secondly, they argue that this type of classification makes gifted children egoistic and general children inculcate the sentiment of inferiority complex; this is detrimental for both of them. Thirdly, they argue that the appointment of separate teachers and provision of additional resources separately is impracticable. Finally, they argue, how can two systems be run in the same school.

In this context, we submit that there are some schools in our country where children are classified into sections on the basis of their educational achievements and it is more advantageous than detrimental. Then, if gifted children are classified on this basis, it would beget more advantages than disadvantages. Therefore, this system should be adopted as far as may be possible.


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