Categories: Psychology

Thinking and kinds of thinking

Thinking is that mental process in which the required mental abilities are applied for realization of a goal or solution of a problem.

Generally, considering some object, activity or a topic seriously is called thinking. However, in psychology, it has been explained as a mental process which is run in a specific order in order to realize a given goal or purpose.

7 Nature and Characteristics of Thinking:

  1. Thinking is an orderly mental process. When a person(child) is confronted with a new object, activity or problem, he begins to think about it.
  2. Thinking is always directed towards realization of some goal or finding out the solution of some problem.
  3. Several mental abilities are involved in thinking, such as observation, memory, imagination, analysis, synthesis and reasoning; one or more of them may be used at one time.
  4. Language is the basis of thinking. When a person (child) thinks, he does it by the medium of language. He cannot do so without language.
  5. Thinking is an innate mental ability, development of which depends on heredity and environment. Children of different heredities and environments have varying thinking ability.
  6. Thinking ability develops in an individual in a specific sequence. When a child in 3 – 5 years age group sees a new object or activity, he thinks in terms of ‘what’. This is the lowest level of thinking. By the time he completes six years of age, he also starts to think ‘why’ , and starts to imagine diverse things in response to this ‘why’. By the time a child completes 12 years of age, he starts to solve a problem applying analysis, synthesis and logic. This is the highest level of thinking.
  7. Thinking ability can be developed in children by education.

As per the Psychologists observance, there are 10 types of thinking.

  1. Perceptual Thinking: This type of thinking is based on concrete experiences obtained from sensation and perception. Therefore, this type of thinking  is also called concrete thinking. In it, an individual tries to look and understand a new object or activity on the bases of his previous knowledge and perception. It is the lowest level of thinking. An infant undertakes this type of thinking.
  2. Imaginative Thinking: This thinking is based on memory of previous experiences in the absence of perception. In it, an individual can consider the future problems on the basis of his memory of past experiences and imagination.
  3. Conceptual Thinking: This thinking is based on preconceived notions or concepts. It is also called abstract thinking. In it, concepts are formulated from repeated experience of different objects, activities and emotions and their analysis, synthesis and generalization. In this type of thinking, new concepts are formulated on the bases of previous experiences.
  4. Reflective Thinking: It is based on problem-solving. Dewey has termed this type of thinking as reflective thinking. It is of the highest grade; in it, an individual proceeds on the basis of logic, so it is also called logical thinking.
  5. Creative Thinking: This is the highest form of thinking. In it, laws are inferred on the bases of acts and principles are laid down. Scientific inventions and new creations occur by this type of thinking. It has four steps: preparation, incubation, illumination and verification.
  6. Critical Thinking: This type of thinking is based on analysis. In it, an individual makes use of his high level cognitive abilities and skills, and takes adequate decisions on the bases of analysis, synthesis and evaluation of facts. This type of thinking cultivates new thinking and understanding in an individual.
  7. Non-directed Thinking: This type of thinking is uncontrolled or purposeless. It is like a daydream, in which an individual builds castles in the air, or is scared without any rhyme or reason. Also, he is inflicted by preconceptions, se he thinks in one single direction. It is also called associative thinking.
  8. Convergent Thinking: In this type of thinking, an individual follows predetermined thinking style, it lacks intensity. An individual focuses only one aspect of the problem and infers a decision, and thinks it sufficient; he does not consider other aspects. Therefore, this type of thinking is also called biased thinking.
  9. Divergent Thinking: In this type of thinking, an individual deviates from the given line and considers all possible options and solutions in place of only one solution. Thus, he deviates from what others think. It is a type of free thinking, so it is also called multifaceted thinking.
  10. Lateral Thinking: This type of thinking is based on preconception. New facts come to the fore in it, and an individual keeps changing his mature of thinking. This type of thinking helps in cultivation of creativity in an individual.


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